I got a portfolio interview!!!
哈哈,今晚SPEAKING刚下课,回家一打开邮箱,就看见YORK UNIVERSITY的EMAIL,通知偶portfolio interview的时间!哈哈,真开心,这意味着偶顺利踏过第一道基础测试的坎!进入第二关! 接下来只剩下大概2周的时间,我要准备好偶的相关的作品。上网查了查,关于portfolio interview的要求,还真不少: Typically, an applicant's portfolio contains their best work from at least 3 of the following areas: 2D Design - e.g. print-oriented design, posters, logos, publications, letterheads, yearbook covers and spreads. Typography - e.g. poetry or words using expressive font and page layout. Multimedia/New media - e.g. web-based architecture of information, time-based and/or interactivity work. Painting - e.g. representative and/or non-representative in oil, acrylic, watercolour. Drawing & Illustration - e.g. direct observational, figure drawing, still life in pen & ink, charcoal, pastel, coloured pencil, marker pen, collage. Photography - e.g. B & W prints, colour prints, hand-tinted prints, digitally manipulated. 3D Design/Sculpture - e.g. scale models from plan drawings, craft and fiber experiments. 努力...