Grade B
:em222: 今天极其开心,因为I GOT GRADE B,这个B甚至比拿了A+还开心。 18日,YORK上学期的期末成绩RELEASED,一查,俺的ESL居然只拿了个C+。极其郁闷。虽有自知之明,不指望拿A,但也不至于沦落到C+。况且原本YORK选了两门课,为了好好搞定这门ESL,最后还把PSYCHOLOGY这门课DROP了。可怜的1000刀打水漂~~ 气急败坏中,给ESL的PROFESSOR DAVID发了COMPLAINT EMAIL,很坚定的告诉他,I thought I should get B instead of C+。因为俺不知道FINAL ESSAY和FINAL QUIZ的成绩,所以抗争并不信心满满。只能表示I tried my best to prepare the presentation and assignment. Moreover, I participated each class, even when I just only slept for 3 hours after my night shift job. Moreover, most of the assignments which you returned to me had the grade higher than B. 希望他能give me a chance for Grade Reappraisal. 虽然知道希望渺茫,但想想反正从前在大学时从未试过与老师ARGUE成绩。没体验过,不妨一试。不管结果,在乎过程,出出这口怨气也开心。 David第二天便回信了,口气意料之中地强硬:他表示You are very welcome to come and see me at 2:30 pm on Tuesday and together we will re-calculate your grade and if there is an error, I will, of course, change it. I wish to clarify, however, that this will be a mathematical not a "judging" exercise, and I will not reconsider any of y...